Confirmation is the final sacrament of initiation that completes the grace of Baptism where one is enriched with a special strength from the Holy Spirit to live out life as a follower of Jesus. In the Sacrament, one is essentially "confirming" baptism and unity to the wider church. A teen comes forward for the Sacrament with an openness to receive additional grace and gifts from the Holy Spirit to continue their life of faith. From this perspective, we see that to receive the Sacrament one is already actively growing as a follower of Jesus and desires more.
The first opportunity a teen has to pursue the sacrament of confirmation is in the 8th grade. Candidates should have completed a year of formation prior to the year when they begin preparation for the sacrament. For example, if an 8th grader comes forward, then they should have completed a year of formation in 7th grade.
Youth who have been baptized, have received their first communion, regularly attend mass, and are active in a faith formation program will have the opportunity to discern the sacrament of confirmation.
Candidates who express a desire to receive confirmation will partner with their sponsor who will guide them on a personal journey to the sacrament. The customized sacramental journey is designed to meet youth where they are in their faith, provide an understanding of the sacrament, offer opportunities to encounter Jesus Christ, and inspire youth to become missionary disciples.
8th-12th graders who are interested in discerning the sacrament of confirmation must be active in faith formation (attend either Fusion (8th grade) or High School Youth nights). At youth nights, candidates will have opportunities to encounter Jesus through prayer, praise and worship, community and formation. All these experiences are vital to their journey as they seek out a life of discipleship that is strengthened through the sacrament of confirmation. While participating in the faith formation program, youth will learn more about the sacrament of confirmation and be given opportunities to come forward as they are ready to start the preparation process. After they come forward, we will collect paperwork and begin their journey. There is not a separate registration for confirmation preparation.
Confirmation preparation is largely done outside of youth nights and with their sponsor (or mentor). Candidates and their sponsors will go through 5 Milestones consisting of topics that are important to explore as they discern receiving the sacrament of confirmation. Each Milestone consists of 1-2 meetings and can include an activity like a service project. This journey is self-paced. Once the journey is complete, the candidate will be able to receive the sacrament at the next scheduled confirmation rite (spring or fall dates available).
Parents or teens with additional questions are invited to contact the youth ministry department for more information.
Learn more about confirmation by visiting:Confirmation