The video describes the three Sacraments of Initiation like a three-legged stool. Most of you participating in this Confirmation process were baptized as infants and your parents had a big role in wanting to have you baptized in the Catholic Church. Parents, share why you wanted to baptize your son/daughter and why you would now like him/her to start to prepare to receive the Sacrament and complete the final Sacrament of Initiation - the "stool."
A sponsor is a practicing Catholic who lives their life in harmony with the church while seeking to be a disciple of Jesus. This person's function "is to take care that the person confirmed behaves as a true witness of Christ and faithfully fulfills the duties inherent in this sacrament." (Canon 892)
When a person wants to get better at a skill such as a sport, dance, or an instrument - what is better, to find someone who is also good at that skill to coach them or someone who is not very active in the skill? Kinda obvious - they want a coach who can do it. Selecting a sponsor is the same thing. You will want to find a sponsor who is admirable for living out their Catholic faith.
Discuss and make a list of a few people whom you admire for living out their Catholic faith. (Family members, core team members, other parents you know at Church). Write these names down on a piece of paper. If you can't think of anyone, make that note as well.
There are a few qualifications the Catholic Church outlines in Canon Law ("Churches rulebook"). Review the list you made above and consider if they are able to be a sponsor and meet all the qualifications. (NOTE: Don't feel bad if someone cannot be your sponsor because they don't meet a qualification, such as no longer practicing the faith. They can still have an important role in your faith life, they just cannot serve as a Confirmation sponsor).
We recommend for the teen to start personally asking their chosen adult to be their sponsor. Parents will report the chosen sponsor to the Youth Ministry office on the "Confirmation Candidate Info" form after the candidate completes the Seekers Card. The form will be emailed to parents.
NOTE: If you feel your family does not have someone to meet the qualifications, please contact the youth ministry office ASAP and we can assist in helping you find someone ready to nurture your teenager through this journey.
Hopefully in this Stepping Stone parents were able to express why they want their son/daughter to be Confirmed. Because the hope is for teens to have more ownership of their faith at the time of Confirmation, the next step is for the teen candidates to come forward and express their own desire to start their preparation journey. When a candidate steps forward, it means there is an openness to explore and grow this coming year. It does NOT mean that one agrees with all the teachings of the church or has faith all figured out. One only needs to WANT TO GROW in faith. In upcoming Youth Ministry programs, youth will be given an opportunity to come forward and express their desire to start their preparation journey by completing a Seekers Card like the one here. This will start the journey. Are you ready?
Teens, at this moment, do you feel ready to explore more deeply the faith of your family this coming year on this Confirmation Journey? Why/why not? Do you understand that this preparation is just a moment in one's faith journey and nobody actually ever has it completely all figured out?
Parents, can you share how your faith has been a series of one-step-at-a-time moments, an occasional big leap (or not), and even that faith comes with doubt/concerns?
After the Seeker Card is turned in, an email is sent requesting the parent to provide the items below as well as instructions for how to invite the sponsor on the journey. The sponsor will review an at-home Sponsor Training and complete the Confirmation Sponsor Info form at the end of the training. Once all items are collected from parents and sponsors, the candidate and sponsor can start the Milestones.
Items to be Collected: